Wuletaw Mekuria Kebede (PhD, Assistant professor)
Director, UIL-TT directorate
E-mail: wuletaw.m@gmail.com
Tele (office): +251 588 12 90 21
Major Duties and Responsibilities of UIL-TT
- Reporting
- Searching grants
- Facilitate centers
- Facilitate innovation
- Coordinate trainings
- Develop strategic plan
- Strengthen team works
- Prepare working guidelines
- Coordinate coordination offices
- Establish University –Industry linkage
- Strengthen student internship programs
- Prepare memorandum of understandings
- Identify potential stakeholders and partners
- Evaluate implemented technology transfer projects
- Support in protection of intellectual property rights
- Follow up ongoing and completed technology projects
- Facilitate the establishment of technology villages and parks
- Provide guidance for STEM and business and technology incubation centers
- Participate national and international workshops, consortium, conferences and trainings