The University of Gondar is one of the “first generation” Universities to start with and work on Quality Assurance and Audit unit. The Education Quality Assurance and Audit Directorate is established in the year 2003/2004 after the establishment of the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA) in 2003.  Since then, Education Quality Assurance and Audit Directorate (EQAAD) has been doing several commendable jobs and struggling with a number of challenges.

Some of the major achievements of the directorate include:

  • Six National Conferences on Quality Education were initiated, organized and hosted for six consecutive years (from 2013/14 to 201819).
  • A graduate tracer study was conducted and published by collecting data from alumni, peers and employers.
  • A curriculum policy, a students’ assessment policy and a quality assurance policy have been prepared and published.
  • The first ‘Education Quality Improvement Package’ was developed and published.
  • The institutional quality self-audit was conducted.
  • Department level program standards were  developed for some departments
  • Program Evaluations were made for selected programs
  • HDP implementation Assessment was conducted
  • Various capacity development trainings such as induction and advanced pedagogical trainings to newly hired teachers and expatriate staffs have been regularly given.
  • HDP training is being organized and run at each year with more than 300 candidates per year.
  • Various short term trainings have been given for the academic staffs
  • Five Academic Development and Resource Centers (ADRC) have been made under each campus.
  • Curriculum development procedures are being seriously followed for all levels of studies
  • Program and course ownership issues are being discussed and settled with other actors
  • Teachers’ performance evaluation results are being aggregated at institutional levele to use them for further intervention.



    Quality is a dynamic target that we have to follow constantly!!!